Name: Marloes KraanPictureMarloesKraan

Activities for MARE: secretary to the MARE board & research affiliate to MARE

Current Position: Researcher at IMARES in IJmuiden and the Centre for Marine Policy in Leeuwarden (WUR)

Relevant research projects:

  • The GAP2 project; an Europe-wide project, bringing together fishermen and researchers from across the continent to help inform and shape policy.
  • ODEMM work package 7 – governance options for ecosystem based management in Europe.

Relevant publications:

  • 2011 Marloes Kraan; More Than Income Alone. The Anlo-Ewe Beach Seine Fishery in Ghana. In: Poverty Mosaics: Realities and Prospects in Small-Scale Fisheries. Svein Jentoft & Arne Eide (Eds). Springer.
  • 2009 Marloes Kraan; Creating Space for Fishermen’s Livelihoods; Anlo-Ewe beach seine fishermen's negotiations for livelihood space within multiple governance structures in Ghana. Leiden: African Study Centre. PhD thesis
  • 2009 Marloes Kraan; Sustainability is…The underlying concerns, values and norms and concerns of the Dutch North Sea fishermen. Paper presented at the MARE conference People and the Sea V ‘Living with uncertainty and adapting to change’. Panel Convenor of ‘Discussing dilemmas of sustainability’.
  • 2007 Marloes Kraan; ‘God’s time is the Best’: The Role of Religion in Fisheries Management of Anlo-Ewe Beach Seine fishermen in Ghana’. In: Proceedings of the MARE Conference (cd-rom). Paper presented at the MARE conference People and the Sea IV ‘Who owns the Coast?’. Panel Convener of ‘Fisheries in West Africa’.
  • 2006 Marloes Kraan; ‘One Man No Chop’. Beach seine fishing in Ghana (West Africa). MAST, Volume 5(1):pp 117-128.

Link to personal website:


Centre for Maritime Research
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NL-1018 TV Amsterdam
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