MAST 2009, Volume 8, No. 2
Issue on Literacy and Fisheries. Edited by Bryan Maddox.
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Literacies, Development and Education in Fishing-dependent Communities
Bryan Maddox, Edward H. Allison and Tim M. Daw
The coexistence of local knowledge and gps technology:
Looking for things in the water
Judy Kalman and María de los Ángeles Liceaga Correa
New technologies, new demands and new literacies:
The Changing Literacy Practices of Fishing Communities in Bangladesh and Ghana
Bryan Maddox and Ragnhild Overå
The contradictory languages of fishing and gold panning in the Peruvian Amazon
Sheila Aikman
Educational attainment and literacy in Ugandan
fishing communities: Access for All?
Elizabeth Westaway, Caroline Barratt, Janet Seeley
Book reviews