MAST 2003, Volume 2, No.2


Stakeholders and the Reform of the European Union’s Common Fisheries Policy:
The Institutionalisation of a Consultation Culture?

Jenny Hatchard and Tim Gray (5-20)


Changing Courses: A comparative analysis of Ethnographies of Maritime Communities in South Asia

Radhika Gupta (21-38)

Access to Natural Resources for Whom? Aquaculture in Nam Dinh, Vietnam.

John Kleinen (39-61)


The Case of The Dutch East-Indies

Ger Teitler ( 63-72)


A Tale of Three Seas: From Fishing through Aquaculture to Marine Biotechnology in the Life History Narrative of a Marine Biologist

Stefan Helmreich (73-94)


Photo essay about the transformation of a 37-year-old Thai fishing vessel, Pok Phon

Anne Klaasen (95-103)
Books recieved
